About Facebook Dynamic Ads for Real Estate
- There have been a lot of questions from Marketing Club members about the new Facebook Dynamic Ads for Real Estate
- It’s a new product offering from Facebook that promises to automatically promote your home listings on Facebook
- Facebook Dynamic Ads are not the right choice for everyone
- You either need programmatic access to the Facebook API, or
- You have to have a Business Manager account
- Business Manager is a new platform for Facebook advertisers, different from both Ads Manager and Power Editor
- You should only sign up for Business Manager if:
- You have more than one person working on your Facebook and/or Instagram Marketing
- You need to manage multiple Facebook or Instagram assets such as Facebook Pages, ad accounts, or apps
- You use a vendor to help create, run, or manage your Pages or ads, but want you business to maintain ownership of all Pages, ad accounts and assets
- You want control over access and permissions to your assets without attributing ownership to individuals who assist you business operations
- You want to request access to other pages, ad accounts, and apps, or share your pages, ad accounts, and apps with other agencies
- We do not provide training on Facebook Business Manager
- Most people do not fit above criteria and it’s more complicated than it needs to be
Promote your listings on Facebook without Dynamic Ads using our Just Listed / Just Sold Facebook Ad Campaign. |